- HORIZON ICAERUS: Innovations and Capacity building in Agricultural Environmental and Rural UAV Services.
- H2020 FLEXIGROBOTS: Flexible Robots for Intelligent Automation of Precision Agriculture Operations (Grant Agreement 101017111).
- NWO FIELDS2COVER: Roads across the fields, funded by Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO-LIFT).
- NWO MARS4EARTH: Modular Aerial Robotic Systems for Sustainable Living on Earth, funded by Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO-RAAK.PRO03.112).
- VIRAL: Vitalising ICT Relevance In Agricultural Learning, funded by European Commission Erasmus+ EACEA (609755-EPP-1-2019-1-BA-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP).
- Robotics Association for Wageningen (RAW) 1.0 – Learning ROS programming drones (H2020 ROSIN project No 732287)
- IEEE RAS-Funded Project Proposals on Creation of Educational Material in Robotics and Automation 2018 (CEMRA 2018). Aerial Remote Sensing in Agriculture courseware.
- SPECTORS: Sensor Products for Enterprises Creating Technological Opportunities in airborne Remote Sensing, funded by EU program INTERREG V-A Deutschland-Nederland (no 143081).
- RoboCity2030-III: Funded by Autonomous Community of Madrid (CAM) (S2013/MIT-2748).
- EU FP7 RHEA: Robot Fleets for Highly Effective Agriculture and Forestry Management. Sponsored by the European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme (NMP-CP-IP 245986-2 RHEA).
- ROTOS: Multi-robot system for outdoor infrastructure protection. Funded by Spain Ministry of Education and Science (DPI 2010-17998).
- FRACTAL: Fleet of Cooperative Terrestrial and Aerial Robot. Funded by Spain Ministry of Education and Science (DPI 2006-03444).
- RoboCity2030-II: Funded by Autonomous Community of Madrid (CAM) (S-0505/DPI/000235).
- RoboCity2030, Funded by Autonomous Community of Madrid (CAM) (S2009/DPI-1559).
- Robot per scenari di emergenza - Disaster Response Robots.